Quinten Ruff: At a Glance

  • Unity
  • Blender
  • Substance Painter 3D
  • Audacity
  • Ability to work proficiently and efficiently between multiple different focus areas
  • C#
  • 3D Modeling
  • Blender Geometry Nodes
  • Texturing

Sophomore at

Member of Spartasoft Studio (Prototyping)

Member of Spartasoft Studio (Art)

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Geiger Counter Radiation System (Project Blue Book)

– Allows for any object to act as a radiation source with a “radiationSource” script

– Adaptable level of radiation and noise input for each source.

– Geiger Counter can mix between different radiation sources.

-Extremely customizable Geiger counter settings for use in a variety of level types and sizes.

-Haptic feedback and Sound

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Geometry Node Tools (Temple of Xibalba)

– Allows for the quick creation of unique models for walls and vines

– Draw curves and easily adjust them for a variety of different shapes

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Modeled and Textured Rainy City
((Almost[Old]) New York)

– Inspired by the painting “Nighthawks”
– Modeled in Blender
– Textured in Substance Painter 3D
– Run in Unity

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Clipboard Mission UI System
(Project Blue Book)

– Write in effect
– Page wrapping
– Tracks player progress through level
– Parses strings for a modular and adaptable system
Red: determines photo input and requirement
Blue: continues to next line

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